

 人阅读 | 作者lilintao | 时间:2023-08-18 15:10

far 用作副词表示程度时,可用于修饰以下成分:

(1) 修饰形容词,这类用法非常有限,主要用于修饰wrong, different, superior, short (of) 等。如:

You’re not far wrong. 你差不多对了。

This carpet is far superior to that one in quality. 这条地毯的质量远胜过那一条。

This edition is far different from the earlier one. 这个版本与早先那个版本大不相同。

(2) 修饰副词,这类用法也比较有限,主要用来修饰 away, off, out, back, behind等表示位置或距离的副词,一般不用来修饰 quickly, sadly, happily等副词。如:

The holidays are not so far off. 假期已经不那么远了。

If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?

He never swam far out. He was afraid of getting cramp. 他从不游得很远。他怕抽筋。

(3) 修饰动词,这类比较不是很普通。如:

I far prefer swimming to cycling. 我喜欢游泳远胜于骑自行车。

She far transcends the others in beauty and intelligence. 她才貌出众。

(4) 介词短语。如:

We danced far into the night. 我们跳舞跳到深夜。

As a scholar, he is far above me. 作为学者,他远在我之上。

The small boy soon became tired and lagged far behind the rest of the walkers. 那小男孩儿不 久就走不动了,远远落在其他人的后面。

注意,far from的本义是“离……很远”,可引申指“远非”。如:

He lives not far from there. 他住的离那儿不远。

This question is far from being settled. 这个问题远没解决。

(5) 修饰比较级,这是一种很常见的用法,其中的far与much意思相近。如:

She swims far better than I do. 她游泳要比我游得好多了。

Russian is far mole difficult than Spanish. 俄语比西班牙语难学多了。

His illness is far more serious than we thought. 他的病比我们想象的要严重得多。

(6) 修饰最高级,也可说成by far。如:

This is quite far the most expensive bicycle in the shop. 这是这家商店里最最贵的自行车。

She is far (=by far) the most intelligent student in the school. 她是学校里最聪明的学生。

(7) 由副词too(太)引出的短语。如:

The holidays passed far too quickly. 假期过得太快了。

You ask far too many questions. 你问的问题实在太多了。

It’s far too cold to play tennis. 天气实在太冷了,不能打网球。

You’re far too young to get married. 你太年轻了,不能结婚。

3. 在口语或非正式文体中,far 表示场所或距离时,主要用于否定句或疑问句,很少用于肯定句。在肯定句中通常用 a long way 代之。如:

He did not walk far. 他没走很远。

(比较:He walked a long way. 他走了很远。)

Is it far from here? 从这儿去远吗?

(比较:It is a long way from here. 从这儿去很远。)

但是若 far连用了与场所有关的副词或介词短语等,或与 too, so, as…as 等词语连用时,则也可用于肯定句中。

