The whole world will shine for you!
shine[ʃaɪn] v 发光,反光,照射 n 光亮【shine发光源稳定,太阳月亮发光】
Baby, let us shine!。让我们大方光芒(表示人的能力)
Why does the sun shine? 太阳发光(物体发光)
Two lakes shine the moon.倒影月亮(反射的月亮的光)
Oh, Mr. Sun, please shine down on me! 太阳照耀
glitter[ˈglɪtə(r)] v 闪烁,闪耀 n 光辉,闪耀【反射其他物体的光,耀眼】
Its battle honours glitter. 勋章发光(反射的光)
Morning dews glitter in the sun. 阳光下闪耀
sparkle[ˈspɑrkl] v 闪耀,闪烁 n 光亮,活力【闪闪发光,波光粼粼,有规律,有美感】
sparkle 记忆方法:spark n火花,读音“s ba ”,烟火上天爆炸的声响
The stars sparkle in the dark sky.闪闪发光
Real diamonds[ˈdaɪəmənd] sparkle at her throat. 钻石闪闪发光
Sparkle the lake sparkled in the sunshine.闪闪发光
glare[gleə(r)] n 强光,怒视 v 发强光【强调眼神犀利,怒目而视】
He gave me an icy glare.怒视我
Don't stare, don't glare.怒视顾客
She silenced him with a glare。瞪一眼
twinkle[ˈtwɪŋkl]v闪闪发光 n闪光,善良【眼睛,星星的闪闪发光】
分解 to(two两只眼眨) wink,wink 也是闪烁的意思,但是是一只眼闪烁,所以它有 “暗示,使眼色”的意思,字母“W”象形,眼睛睁开,闭上,睁开的感觉(美女冲我wink一下,晚上见,此处省略一万字)。
they wink。他们神秘兮兮的。(不是正常的眼神)
I gave her a wink.我给他“使眼色”!
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.闪烁,闪耀
The star seemed to twinkle hope to us.星星闪烁
He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye.目光
The twinkle in his eyes was dimmed by tears.眼里的光芒
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